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Islamic Playland - Islamic games

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Welcome to IslamicPlayLand

Islamic play land is a branch of QTVTutor, and linked with the parent chain of ARY Qtv, No 1 Islamic Channel. As followed by the two main sources of global leader in their industry Islamic Play Land is also devoted to provide the best among the option available on the wide world of Internet regarding online games.

As you can see the name which is self driven which offering Islamic games, it is quite difficult to create a visionary image until you enter into this world, which we have just created for you. In Islamic Play Land we have given high concentration on low radiations games which doesn’t harm you eyes and also inline to the DSE ergonomics act.

Here at Islamic Play Land the games are focused on the development of the Kid especially, in which there are no elements which contain any sort on vulgarity, or content which has negative impact.


Our vision is to bring all the kids of the world together on a single platform, through their learning and developing their skills.


Offer a global platform to come and play with the world and learn and develop individual with different sets of skills. Islamic Play land offers low radiations game and easy accessibility.


We have eight categories under which there are several games and other interesting activities, like games, puzzles, learn Arabic and many more. As Islamic Play Land belong to one of the pioneer group of Online Industry, so we have expert’s designers and creator who are always devoted towards the betterment of the provided environment. Where all the gamers can enjoy, as this is somehow specific to kids so all the games and activities are created keeping the interaction level of kids in the mind

Recent Games
Excercise Find Throat Letters
Excercise Find ..
32,310 plays
Find Full Mouth Letters
Find Full ..
31,481 plays
Drawing Board
Drawing Board
183,392 plays
Listen And Write Arabic Letters
Listen And ..
43,118 plays
Learn English Time
Learn English ..
15,950 plays
Learn Arabic Time
Learn Arabic ..
20,988 plays
Safari Letters
Safari Letters
40,102 plays
Rescue Letters 2
Rescue Letters ..
31,918 plays
Space Letters
Space Letters
36,490 plays
Catch Arabic Letters
Catch Arabic ..
42,854 plays

Latest Games